Come Back to Me Spell

Come Back to Me Spell
Come Back to Me Spell
Come Back to Me Spell
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Come Back to Me Spell
Come Back to Me Spell

Come Back to Me Spell

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Ex Love Spell

❤️‍🔥 Feel as if things aren't how they used to be? Whether you're not quite ready to let them go or looking to ignite an old flame, this spell calls on an African water deity to rekindle past relationships. As always, use love spells with caution and consider both best and worst case scenarios of this person coming back into your life before tying them to you once more.

Real Spells by Real Energy Workers

⭐️ Unlike other so-called remote spellcasters, we are not here to "guarantee results" within 24 hours or offer to "fix your life" for the low, low price of whatever.99. We are true energy workers offering our services in addition to your own manifestations to help you reach a sure goal. We perform rituals 7 nights per week, with time set aside specifically for the casting of your spells as well. 

⭐️ A lot of our spells utilize a combination of candle magic, drum magic, household and cautionary herbs, deity petitions, dolls, and usually a token to be carried or buried. Some original spells require certain timing and moon phases for optimum potency, but we are happy to work spells on your schedule as well. 

⭐️ All spells come with access to our Libra Negra (Black Book) via our website as well as a PDF copy of the spell performed for you to download. 

⭐️ As third generation Santeras, we often work with deities from our own culture, some of whom you may be familiar with and others you may not. If a spell calls for it, the deity petitioned will always be listed in the spell PDF download. Should you prefer we work with a deity that you have a personal relationship with instead, please relay that in the customization notes or DM us so that we may petition the correct deity on your behalf. 

⭐️ As always, manifestation starts with you. We kindly ask that you follow up all spellwork with INTENTIONAL ACTIONS that align with your desired goals. Should the spell call for a physical item such as a candle, charm, or gris gris bag, we are happy to send the item to you to carry or bury yourself, for the cost of shipping. 

⭐️ Any questions? Feel free to ask before purchase! There are no refunds on services rendered. To soothe the Etsy Policy gods, we must state that spell casting and readings are for "entertainment purposes" only. Metaphysical results are not guaranteed. Thanks, yall!



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100% Handcrafted Quality


Ethically-Sourced & Sustainable


Homegrown, Organic Ingredients

Don't Sleep On These Gems