ColoRose Petals and White Sage Smudge
Burning one color each day, use our handwrapped sage sticks to set the intentions of aligning your chakras, cleansing your space, and removing negative energy all at once. Seven vibrant chakra colors are carefully wrapped to represent each chakra. Pair our 7 chakra smudge stick with chakra stones or one of our 7 chakra bracelets to stay balanced throughout the week. Because you’ll want to extinguish the sage at a particular part, these work best with our Abalone Shell Smudge Bowl, an ashtray or cauldron with sand, or some other burn proof bowl. Never extinguish your smudge sticks with water!
Mantras for Chakra Cleanse:
Red: Muladhara, Root Chakra, base of the spine, “I am”, feeling safe & secure, physical sexuality, primal & basic needs
Orange: Svadisthana, Sacral Plexus Chakra, just below the navel, “I feel”, creative expression, emotional sexuality
Yellow: Manipura, Solar Plexus Chakra, just above the navel, “I can”, self-esteem, self-empowerment, identity and purpose
Green: Anahata, Heart Chakra, center of the chest, “I love”, connects physical and spiritual chakras, true connection with Higher Self and others
Light Blue: Vishuddha, Throat Chakra, “I speak”, communication, finding and expressing your true voice
Indigo: Ajna, Third Eye Chakra, “I see”, widsom, intuition, spiritual knowing
Purple: Sahasrara, Crown Chakra, “I know”, Divine connection, higher consciousness
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