Honoring Oya, Yoruba Orisha of the Wind
Calling on Oya can help you settle difficult decisions. To some, she represents the destruction necessary for the growth of new things. To others, Oya is a source of calm during times of chaos. This lavender and driftwood scented candle honors Oya, the Yoruba Orisha of the wind. Made with ethically-sourced amethyst crystals and organic marshmallow and gomphrena globosa herbs, this candle will bring the refreshing energy of Oya into your space. Perfect for those seeking clarity, transformation and strength.
Oya is the Orisha of the Nigerian wind, lightning, and violent storms. As the guardian of the cemetery gates, Oya is a fierce warrior and protector in Yoruba tradition. She brings change and clears obstacles, ushering in transformation. Oya’s machete cuts through stagnation, allowing new life to grow. Light this candle to invoke Oya’s power and embrace radical change in your life. As the Yoruba Goddess of the Changing Winds, she can be either gentle like a summer breeze or fierce and wrathful like a hurricane. Oya is the Orisha you call on when you’re in need of or dealing with change in your life.
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