Perfect for use with tarot readings, crystal maps, reading tea leaves, throwing runes and bones, and other types of illumination work! Each 10ml intuitive spell jar is cleansed and filled with Lapis Lazuli chips, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Sea Salt, and other powerful Third Eye activating herbs, then sealed with spelled hard wax.
BlkGrlMagick Meditation Spell Jars are made individually, under specific astrological and spiritual events, and cleansed during personal, targeted meditations. Certain intentions have special energy, time, and astrological requirements. Therefore, quantities are extremely limited.
Peace Manifestation Using Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone known for opening our third eye chakra, enhancing intuition, and stimulating psychic abilities.
Larry-The-Cat’s (verified owner) –
Very pretty & unique. It brings peace just by its appearance.
Mollie (verified owner) –
Star rating only.