Medicinal & Magical Properties of Acacia

Medicinal & Magical Properties of Acacia

Acacia, also known as Wattle, has a long, deep-rooted history in many spiritual communities. Although, with over 1300 different species of the plant, it's sometimes difficult to pinpoint exactly which version of Acacia is being referenced. For the purpose of this post, we're talking about Acacia obtusifolia, or Stiff Leaf Wattle.

Native to Australia, this species of Acacia is known to have the natural psychoactive  DMT (dimethyltryptamine) when inhaled or steeped in tea. When monitored by a shaman or other professional Acacia herb can be a powerful tool to aid in reaching altered states of mind, spirit communication, and divination.

What is Acacia?

Acacia is a genus of shrubs and trees in the pea family, Fabaceae. There are over 1,300 species of Acacia found throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The acacia tree is believed to originate in Australia and Africa. Acacias are well known for their fragrant yellow flowers and their hard, durable wood.

What does Acacia look like?

Acacia trees have feathery, fern-like leaves and puffy yellow flowers. The dried leaves and bark have a faintly sweet scent. Acacia gum, or gum arabic, is a dried sap from the acacia tree used as an emulsifier in medicines and cosmetics.


Acacia Folk Names

  • Wattle
  • Whistling Thorn
  • Golden Wattle
  • Mimosa

Harnessing the Power of Acacia

In ritual, Acacia has often been associated with powers of:

  • Protection
  • Purification
  • Psychic Powers
  • Prosperity
  • Courage

Acacia History and Folklore

Acacia has been used for thousands of years in ancient Egypt. The wood was used to build furniture, tools, and sacred temples. The gum was used in incense and medicines. Acacia symbolized resurrection and immortality in Egyptian mythology. The ancient Hebrews also used acacia wood to build the Ark of the Covenant.

Acacia Medicinal Properties

Acacia gum contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, coughs, and diarrhea. Acacia leaves contain alkaloids that can be used as an analgesic. The bark contains tannins that can be used as an astringent. Acacia honey is said to have medicinal properties as well.

Acacia Magical Properties

Acacia is believed to have protective powers and is used in magic to ward off evil spirits. Burning the wood or gum is thought to aid in contacting spirits and enhancing psychic abilities. Acacia can be used in money spells, or to attract love and courage. Wearing acacia wood or bark is thought to provide protection.

Manifestation Using Acacia

The bright yellow flowers of the acacia tree symbolize the sun and light, attracting positive energy and prosperity. Meditating with acacia wood or essential oil can help focus your intention to manifest wealth, love, and spiritual enlightenment. Acacia can be used to consecrate and create sacred space for ritual and magic.


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